Look for the Benchmark designation.

Vibrant offers a revolutionary approach to third-party risk management, starting with the universal need for General Liability insurance and building to best-in-class cybersecurity practices.

Our tiered verification system provides an at-a-glance view of your vendors' risk posture. Quickly identify leaders and laggers, build confidence in your vendor network, and watch your ecosystem grow stronger over time.

With Vibrant, vendor risk management transforms from a burdensome box-checking exercise into a source of collective strength and competitive advantage.

Benchmark shield (2)

Vendor friendly.

Vibrant makes vendor risk management simple. We streamline the process from basic General Liability coverage verification to cybersecurity diligence. It's an easy, step-by-step approach to build trust. 

Vibrant's Multi-Layered Approach


Vibrant offers a revolutionary approach to third-party risk management, starting with the universal need for General Liability insurance and building to best-in-class cybersecurity practices.

Our tiered verification system provides an at-a-glance view of your vendors' risk posture. Quickly identify leaders and laggers, build confidence in your vendor network, and watch your ecosystem grow stronger over time.


Benchmark status represents your strongest partners. Benchmark vendors have not only verified GL coverage, but also cutting-edge cybersecurity insurance. 


Vendors achieve Participant status by verifying their General Liability insurance, a critical foundation for sound vendor risk management. 


A Non-Responsive vendor has been invited to the Vibrant platform but hasn't completed the verification process.  

Cybersecurity Insurance that is far more than financial protection.

"One trend that will likely become more widespread in the coming years is the so-called “adaptive cyber insurance”, which means continuous monitoring, risk assessment, and continuous underwriting."

- Ross Haleliuk, Venture In Security, April 21, 2022

Oversight lowers risk.

Vendor monitoring through Vibrant lowers cybersecurity risk for enterprises and their vendors. Don't just analyze risk, reduce it at the vendor level.